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Running Apache Kafka On Containers

Apache Kafka is one of the most famous data stores. It’s a go-to tool to collect streaming data at scale and process them with either Kafka streams or Apache Spark....

Understanding Istio Access Logs

Istio access logs are very helpful to understand the incoming traffic pattern. These logs are produced by the Envoy proxy and can be viewed overall at the Istio Ingress gateway...

Most Useful kubectl Plugins

Kubernetes provides a convenient utility kubectl to interact with the cluster. kubectl talks to kube-apiserver and allows you to create, update and delete objects/resources in the cluster.

Getting Started with ACK RDS Controller

ACK controller for RDS is a Kubernetes Controller for provisioning RDS instances in a kubernetes native way.

Scaling in EKS with Karpenter - Part 1

Kubernetes has become a de-facto standard because it takes care of a lot of complexities internally. One of those complexities is cluster autoscaling i.e provisioning of nodes based on the...

EKS Auth Deep Dive

If you use EKS then you have found yourself in a situation where a user can’t access the cluster despite having all the IAM permissions and gets an Unauthorized message...